top: {target}, jacket: {old navy}, necklace: {handmade}
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
whew, it's been a while
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6:06 AM
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
rockstar and a pyrotechnician
today i will accept rockstar status. let me back up to explain. my husband is a pyrotechnician...umm ok make sense now. so my husband shoots firework shows. he works for a firework company and aside from being a captain and environmental scientist, he is also licensed as a pyrotechnician. yep most random man you will know {especially when he sings his responses to me, that gets real random. i digress.} so when he is gone shooting firework shows, i am hanging out by myself and left to my own devices. this recent time i attempted to tackle something that has been beating me for a while...homemade bread. hence the rockstar status. while they didn't all turn out pretty, both the blueberry cinnamon rolls and mini monkey bread were phenomenal. therefore as aforementioned, today i accept rockstar status and am married to a pyrotechnician. rockstar + pyrotechnician=match made in heaven. k now back to earth.
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4:41 AM
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
new kicks
like my new kicks?
wanna know where they are from?
wait for it.
wait for it.
yep that's right!
uh huh.
whew it feels good to get that out in the open.
hubs is so impressed by my resourcefulness!
and yet knows none of this is possible without the lovely pinterest
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4:43 AM
Thursday, September 22, 2011
sunday morning conversation
top {aeropostale}; skirt {thrifted liz claiborne}; belt {forever21}; tie belt {thrifted christian dior}; shoes {thrifted target}
past sunday pre church convo:me: "hunny, i'm dressed"
husband: "is that my tie?"
me: "uh huh {very proud of myself}, i was inspired by this blog"
husband: "oh geez"
me: "you love it???"
husband: "i love you..."
me: "you know one of the best things about being married? your wardrobe expands. ok well my wardrobe expands. not yours, i'd prefer you not wearing my wardrobe. but i can wear yours cause menswear is big right now!"
husband: "yeeeaaaa i don't know about letting you on my side anymore"
me: "but look how resourceful i am!" {i say as i'm walking out the room...}
and you know what, this conversation isn't even out of the norm
and yes ladies and gentleman {are there gentleman reading this? if so give a shout out!} not one but two pieces of this outfit were a whopping $1: that christian dior red polka dot tie {correct christian dior} and the ruffled perfect heels
and yes ladies and gentleman {are there gentleman reading this? if so give a shout out!} not one but two pieces of this outfit were a whopping $1: that christian dior red polka dot tie {correct christian dior} and the ruffled perfect heels
creatively created by
10:23 AM
Monday, September 19, 2011
prep work
so lately i've had honor of watchin these kiddos since we are now back in br . their parents, a&k, are good friends of husband and mine and since full time jobs have yet to see the gem in me {geez humbleness cait}, i'm able to come offer my help when needed. sometimes it's a crazy house...ok lots o' times its a crazy house {just check out her blog} but it's a ton of fun! it's that type of crazy fun. each one has such different personalities, but they are each so sweet and love jesus. plus it's good practice for when our chill' ren come along. but until then i'll love on theirs.
i'm sure she convinced him that he looked better on the pink bike. by the end of the bike ride he was telling her the pink bike was his. yea she's that girl {genius}.
but every genius has their mistakes.
yep a&k, he was on his way up. but i got him {after i snapped the picture}
yes they are twins and yes they look nothing alike.
{there's one more but she's in school}
thanks a&k for letting me love on your kids. so glad to be back!
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11:47 AM
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
forever lsu
this past weekend was our first lsu home game. oh how i've missed these nights! i've missed the eagerness these games held as a student. getting on campus at wee hours just to hang out with friends and eat good food throughout the day. then to stand at the student gate for an hour, get patted down typically twice or three times {ok that part was obnoxious} and sit in the student section for two hours prior to the game... the student section in death valley! come rain or shine we were sitting there {but then again it never rains in tiger stadium} while i miss being a student football fan, it was still so good being back in the stadium even if it is as an alumnus. plus the weather was fantastic!
it holds a different meaning being a tiger fan. but one i love so dearly.
thanks k&a for the tickets.
forever lsu.
pictures via instagram
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4:43 AM
Thursday, September 8, 2011
beach trip via instagram
yes friends, those coffee filters have been reestablished as party hats! many restaurant birthday celebrations happened!
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7:19 AM
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
q&a friday
i'm back friends. the weather was rough but we made it through! pics to come soon!
now back to the q&a friday questions...
now back to the q&a friday questions...
weight loss supplements.
are there any that are healthy? are they safe?
and here's the report... the issue with weight loss supplements is that they are not subjected to the same rigorous standards/procedures prescription drugs are subjected to. the food & drug administration {fda} does not have to do tests for these supplements. this means there is no standard body making sure these products are effective or that they even contain what they say they contain...and that's where the problem lies. we are unsure of the short-term and long-term effects and the research just isn't there to determine if they work. so basically anyone can put out a supplement out and state it's "magic" and while they may be showing research, remember they are selling a product and can skew it the way they see fit. however when supplements/weight loss pills are put on the market, the fda does monitor it's safety and can recall/ban something if necessary. so far, the only weight loss supplement {actually an over the counter medicine} that has been approved by the fda is alli, yet there have been records of liver damage and unpleasant side effects.
here is a link to a mayo clinic article, they took a few supplements and wrote a small description regarding the action and safety of each
and here is the fda link for future questions and as a source
basically, as not fun as this is to say, there is no quick fix for sustained weight loss. it will take a balance of smaller portion healthier meals plus exercise to achieve a healthy weight loss. and while it's not easy, it is achievable!
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7:50 AM
Saturday, September 3, 2011
a few things
so first i wanna thank everyone on & off the blog for the sweet and encouraging comments about the job hunt. really, it meant a ton and i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. next, i wanna apologize...i missed out on q&a friday {i know, already!} but i have a somewhat decent excuse. on friday morning, i woke up sick i headed to urgent care. see here is the proof
ok so i wasn't dying or anything but this weekend we headed to a family vaca at the beach so i wanted to make sure i wasn't contagious. and actually that brings me to my next point. since i was sick and we had to pack {durn that procrastination, it's a killer} i lost time to write my q&a answer. but don't fear {i'm sure you're trembling} i'll get to it! and last point, i mentioned we are at the beach. yes, correct, we are at the beach during tropical storm lee. yep, uh huh! let that sink in. and if you are still confused, here is what i'm trying to relay to you.
this means lots o rain and lots o family bonding. but that includes lots o comfort food and board games! i can handle that! vaca pics to be continued...
o and geaux tigers!
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5:14 PM
Thursday, September 1, 2011
pretty excited
not gonna lie...i'm pretty excited about this starting
for all my lsu fans, you get this. for all my non-southern fans, we love our college football around here!
we shall be at the beach this weekend. oh yea and so will the new tropical storm. at least we'll have something to watch!
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1:44 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
an unemployed housewife
so lately i've been experiencing a new realm...the life of a housewife. and i gotta ain't easy. now as i say that i recognize people may be saying, "not easy? you don't even have kids" truth. however, the hard part isn't the actual housewife part. in fact, im loving that life. waking up with hubby and having time to fix his breakfast and lunch for the day. reading blogs and catching up on the news while drinking my morning cup o' jeaux {thats the louisiana spelling}. working on projects throughout the day around the house. cooking dinner and having quality time with my man. then quiet time and bed. not gonna lie, i'm enjoying it. however the hard part is being patient. because while i love this housewife living i need a job. we got da bills to pay and now that i'm finally finished with school i'm eager to put it into practice. but this seems to be the worst time to graduate. jobs have been slim to none and with no experience {oh except for that year of free labor...but i guess that doesn't count mr. employers}the pickins are even smaller. now technically i've only been looking for ~a month {which is must better than how long many people have been looking i know} but i'm confused as to what i should do...should i get a part time job for fear i'd have to quit as soon as i start? do i work a full time job anywhere else besides my field even though i've specialized in my field and would take myself out of the job market? do i apply for jobs even if it means an hour and a half commute one way? or do i just wait?
but i praise God! husband has a job and i know there is a plan. i know the Lord has a job for me and he has provided our finances through mysterious ways {seriously! i often look at our bank account and wonder how it all gets taken care of!}. and just as He's been faithful through monetary ways, He will continue to provide all that we need. so i pray. i pray for direction, i pray for comfort, i pray for patience, but more importantly i pray for trust. and through God's provision, i act...
friendly notice: q&a friday, bring on the questions!
Friday, August 26, 2011
q&a friday
alright and here we go...first question was about quinoa {pronounced keen-wah}:
quinoa, one of my favorite new foods, looks similar to cous cous yet is in the leafy family {related to spinach}. however, to get even crazier quinoa is a complete protein. that's right friends, so if you are vegetarian or just looking for some meatless options {cause lets just face it, meat can get expensive} quinoa is a great alternative because it has all the amino acids amounts necessary in a serving size. while most of you may say, "that does not substitute for a meat" {husband, i am reading your mind right now}, nutritionally it does! it is also a good source of fiber as well. double whammy! now quinoa actually cooks similar to rice in that you 1. put it in water, 2. bring it to a boil, 3. and cover it to simmer and cook the water out {you can actually cook it in a rice cooker as well}. it will quickly produce this gorgeous red or cream colored {depending on the color you get} circular grain look-a-like at a 1:3 ratio. this means that 1 cup uncooked makes 3 cups. another great thing is that it is neutral in taste so you can make it sweet or decide. oh and btw it's gluten-free so if you are needing to follow a gluten-free diet, this is another option. so quinoa...go check it out!
quinoa, one of my favorite new foods, looks similar to cous cous yet is in the leafy family {related to spinach}. however, to get even crazier quinoa is a complete protein. that's right friends, so if you are vegetarian or just looking for some meatless options {cause lets just face it, meat can get expensive} quinoa is a great alternative because it has all the amino acids amounts necessary in a serving size. while most of you may say, "that does not substitute for a meat" {husband, i am reading your mind right now}, nutritionally it does! it is also a good source of fiber as well. double whammy! now quinoa actually cooks similar to rice in that you 1. put it in water, 2. bring it to a boil, 3. and cover it to simmer and cook the water out {you can actually cook it in a rice cooker as well}. it will quickly produce this gorgeous red or cream colored {depending on the color you get} circular grain look-a-like at a 1:3 ratio. this means that 1 cup uncooked makes 3 cups. another great thing is that it is neutral in taste so you can make it sweet or decide. oh and btw it's gluten-free so if you are needing to follow a gluten-free diet, this is another option. so quinoa...go check it out!
here are some great recipe sources:
another question i had was regarding some healthy snack options. great question, as i get this often! now the biggest thing with healthy snacks is that they need to be convenient cause let's just be honest, we often choose processed snacks because they are just that. so when you get home from the grocery store or the night before you have to bring your lunch, make your snacks convenient. cut them up, portion them out, package them...whatever you do, make them easy to grab&go. now some healthy snack options include:
- popcorn {not the "movie theatre extra butter kind," but the smart pop or light kind}
- yogurt {light&low sugar}
- peanut butter & apples
- hummus & whole-grain pita
- carrots/celery & low-fat ranch
- trail mix {make your own-add lightly salted nuts, dried fruit, and m&ms}
- low-fat cheese and apples
- fresh fruit & a light yogurt fruit dip
- cottage cheese & fruit
- homemade peanut butter crackers {whole grain crackers with pb}
- homemade smoothie {light yogurt, frozen fruit, & some oj}
- ants on a log {celery with pb and raisins}
the possibilities are endless!
questions, comments, concerns...let me know! and keep those nutrition questions coming...until next friday!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
craft room design
hi friends...ok so i know you've got more nutrition questions so let's have it!
in other news, as an unemployed wife i have taken it upon myself to be productive. with that comes the design of a craft room. hey, productivity comes in many shapes and sizes! while i will be posting some of my most frugalist {yep made that up} projects {unemployed} i will reveal to you all the inspirations of my design. granted this room will be a work in progress but i gotta get something set up. i need room to fix those clothes i keep messing with as my incessant need to restructure my wardrobe{ie. cut and sew} continues. my idea for the room: navy & coral {with pops of yellow, gray, & white).
i just love the boldness the navy brings with the girlies of the coral. however, coral is not an easy color to find in fabrics so i have a feeling i'll bescreen printing painting some shapes on pillows, etc.
and check out that sunburst will go perfect over my newly painted desk. now if only i could find enough paint sticks.
Source: via Caitlyn on Pinterest
in other news, as an unemployed wife i have taken it upon myself to be productive. with that comes the design of a craft room. hey, productivity comes in many shapes and sizes! while i will be posting some of my most frugalist {yep made that up} projects {unemployed} i will reveal to you all the inspirations of my design. granted this room will be a work in progress but i gotta get something set up. i need room to fix those clothes i keep messing with as my incessant need to restructure my wardrobe{ie. cut and sew} continues. my idea for the room: navy & coral {with pops of yellow, gray, & white).
i just love the boldness the navy brings with the girlies of the coral. however, coral is not an easy color to find in fabrics so i have a feeling i'll be
and check out that sunburst will go perfect over my newly painted desk. now if only i could find enough paint sticks.
the myth about paint sticks: they are free and paint stores will give them to you freely.
the truth: paint stores will give you one stick/gallon of paint freely unless you ask nicely and then they will give at max two! but in order to acquire all the paint sticks you need for this mirror you must visit a number of other paint stores and i just don't know if there are that many in the state of louisiana. uncertain of what the heck i'm even talking about with the paint sticks...check out my pinterest
and after the design comes the organization
actually, i've already done this and i have to say hubby was impressed...till i told him i found the idea on pinterest. durn my honesty
Source: via Caitlyn on Pinterest
will this organization ever be possible? one can only hope...
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7:33 PM
Friday, August 19, 2011
q&a friday
i've decided to try something new...since i'm an official rd {registered dietitian} and such, i want to share my knowledge with the world around me. so starting each friday i will answer nutrition questions you loyal followers submit. i know this blog is a smorgasbord {wow not easy to spell} so why not throw one more in the mix?! there is a lot of false nutrition information out there, so i'll be here helping differentiate between it all! do i know everything about nutrition? yes....ok ok no, but if i don't, i will research it throughout the week and give you good sources to go to.
so go ahead, throw some questions on this comment form and eagerly wait until friday for answers. come on...just click. you know you have one! like which fiber granola bar is the best? or what about those whole grains in fruit loops, what's up with that?! or how do i eat out and eat healthy? see...there are tons of questions! so just hit the comment button, leave a quick one and that's that!
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6:31 AM
Thursday, August 18, 2011
big tub
so one reason we like our new place in the big city of tub.
cause who doesn't need some aromatherapy every now and then?
disclaimer: no animals were hurt in the taking of these photos or bath
other disclaimer: cleaning and sanitation followed the making of this shoot
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5:43 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
fall wishes
after reading one of my daily blog reads, i have been inspired to compile a fall wishlist on pinterest. hopefully i can find these items on sale and/or the best replica. hey i'm unemployed and on a budget peeps!
i have been dreaming of a gold boyfriend watch. may marshall's/tj maxx will be good to me!
some closed toed booties paired with skinny jeans sounds perfect to me
i have adored shorts with tights for two winter seasons now and have finally found some. hey it was a difficult find, these days bootie shorts are all the rage and me just no likey.
riding boots would last me my lifetime, i'm sure of it!
Source: via Caitlyn on Pinterest
the color of the wellies are dreamy. yes it's cool to call them wellies now.
Source: via Caitlyn on Pinterest
stripes, you know me...nuff said
Source: via Caitlyn on Pinterest
i have a few more items on my pinterest board so friend me and check it out! and if anyone could hint to the hubs regarding this board, i'd greatly appreciate it!
Monday, August 15, 2011
an "official" weekend
this weekend was crazy busy and filled with fun, friends, and always food! it started with some of the most exciting news from within these past 6 years {well besides my engagement and wedding, but you get the picture}...i am officially a registered dietitian! yes you heard that right folks, i am official! after long hours and continuos classes {as well as that whole year of free labor} i have passed the test and can now officially tell you healthy ways to eat. whew! so after this exhausting test and exciting news, it was only proper that i sleep...for the rest of thursday. so that was kind of a blur. then on friday we celebrated the birth of a dear friend and enjoyed a little saints action!
saturday, an event called "one for the orphan" where other people {pssh not me} ran a 5k and one man biked for 24 hours! thats correct....24 hours sans break for charity to support orphans in africa.
i helped a friend in selling the stupendous products of a ministry called sak saum.
you must check it out! i mean just look at this purse! perfection.
click the picture to order this purse. not your liking? there are so many other cute things on the site. you won't be disappointed!
following, a continuation of my friend's birth celebration {we are serious about our birthdays around here} with a trip and all day event in lafayette. complete with shopping, food, and card game playing.
twas a good weekend and an amazing celebration for the end of an era...ahhh RD, thats me! and now for a job...
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6:17 AM
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